Safety of Dams

Support in the Operation and Safety Managing in the Dams of the Development Company of the Valleys of São Francisco and Paranaíba Rivers (CODEVASF).

Emergency Action Plans for the Hydroelectric Power Plants and Dams from the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company (CHESF), which includes the HPP Sobradinho, HPP Luiz Gonzaga, HPP Apolônio Sales, HPPs Paulo Afonso I, II, III and IV, HPP Xingó, HPP Boa Esperança, SHP Pedra and SHP Funil.

Emergency Action Plans for the Environmental Sanitation Company of the Federal District (CAESB).

Periodic Dam Safety Review for the Waste Dams and Águas Claras of the Mineral Treatment Unit (UTM) for Brazil Nuclear Industry (INB).

Consulting Services, Inspection and Maintenance Plan of the Dams, Canals and Tunnels of the Alto Tietê Water Supply System (SPAT).

Contingency Action Plan (PAE) for the five dams in the Alto Tietê Provisioning System (SPAT), São Paulo Metropolitan Area.

Engineering Services to Devise the Periodic Dam Safety Review and Complementing Studies Concerning the Dams and Structures of SABESP.

Periodic Safety Review Works for the Dam of Four ELETROBRAS GROUP’S Hydroelectric Plants.

Imaging and Mapping Floodable Areas in COPEL GET Hydroelectric Power Plants.

Technical Services for the Design of Implementation Reports of Dam Safety and Emergency Management of Dams in the Municipalities of Tatuí and Presidente Prudente (SABESP).


Image: HPP Xingó Emergency Action Plan – Self-rescue Zone demonstration. Source: RHA Engineering.